La revolución científica influyó en el desarrollo de los valores ilustrados del individualismo porque demostró el poder de la mente humana. ... El poder de los seres humanos para discernir la verdad a través del razonamiento influyó en el desarrollo del valor ilustrado del racionalismo.
Diseases decreased life expectancy by 10% and men outnumbered women, population growth was slow.
- In earlier times the climate of places was warm and had swamp type environments, which led to the diseases and this impacted the life span of the people and also affected their livelihood and immigration was the only way to sustain the population.
- Crops like tobacco were not affected by the changes in climate and thus became a cash crop of the entire region.
For Locke, in the state of nature all men are free "to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature."
"The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it", and that law is reason.
Austrian Empire controlled the city of Venice before the Unification of Italy.
Mestizo means mixed Spanish
Mulatto means mixed race
Mestizo is generally used to describe a person who is Latin American.
Mualatto commonly refers to a mixed-race that includes European or African roots.