Once there was a family there were two young boys a little and a single mom. They also had a cat named Luna. The cat made the whole family happy but one day the cat disapeared the family didn't know where she went they were all very sad. But then one day one of the boys went outside to look for the cat but he found nothing. The next the other boy went out he also found no trace of the cat. On the last day the little girl went out. She stumbled by an abandoned house and she heard a cat meowing from inside so she went in. When she searched through the house she found her orange cat Luna. She ran back home in excitement and when she came in the door she screamed "I found Luna I found Luna" everyone looked so happy. The End.
Answeno participler:
the broken glass -- past participle
a pale blue sweater -- no participle
the blushing bride -- present participle
the sifted flour -- past participle
the kitchen timer -- no participle
a wilting rose -- present participle
“Normally, adjectives are positioned before the noun that they describe: the yellow ribbon, the heavy box. These adjectives are said to be attributive, meaning they qualify the nouns.”
A. Dialect
Dialects are different forms of the same language characteristic for specific regions or social groups. For example, someone from the northern part of the USA might say <em>hello</em>, while someone from the South would say <em>howdy.</em>
Irregular subject-verb agreement (<em>they was swimming</em> instead of <em>they were swimming</em>) is a characteristic of some dialects.
The word <em>yonder</em> is archaic or belongs to a dialect. It means <em>over there</em>.
Diction is the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing. Every writer has their own diction.
The syntax is a set of rules words and phrases follow to create sentences in a language.
The tone in literature is what the author feels about a certain subject.
B. Jim Casy is a Christ figure who "saves" Tom from sinbad
is a traditional mother figure maintaining the family through hardship