El aluminio es un papel de color plateado, no puede ser metido al microondas.
The correct answers are: 1. Locutor/conductor. 2. Emisora. 3. Documental. 4. Publicidad/Anuncio/Comercial/Cuña. 5. Televidente/Telespectador/Espectador. 6. Diario. 7. Reportero/Periodista. 8. Actor/Actriz/Superestrella. 9. Lector(a). 10. Cine.
This exercise deals with vocabulary related to media. There is not only one option for most of the terms, since it depends on the kind of regional Spanish you might be learning. I presented all the possible options, which I explain bellow:
- Locutor - Mostly used for radio presenters.
- Conductor - This can be used for any person that presents a TV or radio show.
- Emisora - Refers to the physical radio station that broadcasts the signal.
- Documental - A documentary film.
- Publicidad/Anuncio/Comercial - These all refer to publicity and are commonly interchanged. They might be used for print, TV, or radio ads.
- Cuña - This is a specialized term used for the short radio ads presented during the pauses of a radio show.
- Televidente/Telespectador/Espectador - These all refer to the viewer. Most of the times, the used term depends on the regional use of Spanish.
- Diario - A daily print of a periodical publication, such as a newspaper.
- Reportero/Periodista - Reporter or journalist.
- Actor/Actriz - An actor or actress, respectively.
- Superestrella - A superstar. The question talks about a "muy famoso" (very famous) person, so this term might be in place.
- Lector(a) - A reader. Add the "a" at the end to make it femenine.
- Cine - This refers to the physical theater and to the movies industry.
Yo tengo que estudiar mucho.
hope this helps!
A Lucas le encanta comer Las zanahorias.
A Juan le encantan los tomates.
A mí no me gustan los pimientos.
A mí me gusta comer las papas y el queso
you (s) train ⇒ tú entrenas, usted entrena
you (pl) train ⇒ ustedes entrenan
they train ⇒ ellas entrenan, ellos entrenan
he trains ⇒ él entrena