predictability versus novelty
In this case, predictability has to do with Angie, who always expects to relax on Friday night as a consequence of the work week. However, Thom's surprise plan to spend the weekend in Reno happens to be something new, original and unusual for the couple, sinve they are used to spending weekends at home.
2 is incorrect because it has no punctuation
Poet George Gordon Byron or Lord Byron
He was once called that Lady Caroline Lamb
"The domesticated generations fell from him" means that Buck is losing his civilized characteristics (B).
In this passage, Buck is feeling more and more estranged from where he and his ancestors ("generations") originally come from: as he gets a taste of wild life, he feels less and less like a pet ("domesticated") and more like a feral dog or a wolf. He is forgetting his stay-at-home ways ("fell from him") and sees new instincts grow in him, such as the drive to fight and hunt in a pack.