Any number that is divisible by 6 is already divisible by 2, but is not necessarily divisible by 12.
Counterexamples include: 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, and so on. You can find more by multiplying 6 by any odd number. However, multiplying 6 by an even number provides another "2" that would make it divisible by 12.
13 people are required to do so
It will take 48 minutes to water all parts of her lawn.
Step-by-step explanation:
Each section runs for an equal amount of time
3 sections have run for 36 minutes
36 divided by 3 is 12, meaning each section runs for 12 minutes
12 times 4 is 48
Answer:To find the volume of a composite solid, u identify the different parts it is made of, work out the volume of each part independently, and sum up the volumes of its parts. For composite prisms, where the bases are a composite shape, the area of the bases is the sum of the areas of the parts it is made of.
Step-by-step explanation:
First, section the shape off by easier work with shapes.
The two end triangles can then form one large rectangle that is 5in. x 3in.
Next just multiply the length times the width for the area which is 15 in., and add all of the sides up, which will give you 16 in.