Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps and not Chinese Americans.
Japanese Americans were allowed to serve in the U.S. Army but not in the Pacific theater, but soldiers with Italian or German ancestry were permitted to fight the Axis powers in Europe.
The only correct answer would be that they served with distinction which they did since around 33 000 Japanese Americans served with distinction during world war 2
El derecho a la democracia
1. Todos tienen el derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país, en forma directa o por medio de representantes libremente elegidos.
2. Todos tienen el derecho a la igualdad de acceso a los servicios públicos en su país.
3. La voluntad del pueblo debe ser la base de la autoridad del gobierno; esta voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de celebrarse en forma periódica, por sufragio universal e igualdad y que se realizará por voto secreto u otro procedimiento equivalente de libertad de voto.
The answer is stated below.
The two distinct civilizations of East and West have left a deep impression on each other. Trade was the major reason for the Europeans to search the Eastern Asian nations and it has transformed the destiny of the people of these continents forever. The spice have a valuable market in the West and it had gathered huge profit for the traders. But whats became most significant was the exchange of ideas which help them to better understand the people of distant lands.
Joseph McCarthy called free speech into question on multiple occasions. Namely, with his push to create the House Committee on Un-American Activities(HUAC). The HUAC was created to investigate organizations or even individuals suspected of having communist ties. This was in light of the second Red Scare, when communism was a big fear among the American people. Because of this, free speech, at least in the case of communism, was somewhat dismissed. Joseph McCarthy only added fuel to the fire with his fear mongering.