The Saudi Arabia politics are take place in the context of a totalitarian absolute monarchy with some Islamic (Wahhabi Islam) lines, and the King is both the Saudi Arabia's head of state and absolute monarch (i.e. he is the head of government). The King also serves as the head of the Saudi royal family, the House of Saud, which is also why the country bears the name that it has.
It comes from the Latin word liber which means free and Liberia is a country in West Africa.
animal interference and vegetation, as well as limestone crystallization.
Weight is a measure of gravitational pull
Weight is a measure of gravitational pull
There isn´t other planet on which we could survive unprotected
Still no other planet has been found that has an atmosphere capable of retaining oxygen and decreasing solar radiation so that the person does not need as much oxygen equipment as a special suit to avoid the different types of raciations that can reach the planet .
It is also believed that it is possible to find on a future planet similar to Earth in which you can live without protection.