A. Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism means to judge another culture based on the standard of one’s own culture instead of the standard of the other particular culture.
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Tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons or hurricanes, are among the most destructive weather phenomena. They are intense circular storms that originate over warm tropical oceans, and have maximum sustained wind speeds exceeding 119 kilometres per hour and heavy rains.
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Qatar terminated its membership on 1 January 2019. This means that, currently, the Organization has a total of 13 Member Countries. The OPEC Statute distinguishes between the Founder Members and Full Members - those countries whose applications for membership have been accepted by the Conference.
One way would be to limit who can receive a passport or visa to travel to another country and another would be at the entrance to the country they may not be admitted for example due to inadequate funds to live. In my case, when I travelled by bus from Costa Rica to Panama, the Panamanian authorities required that I either have a ticket out of the country or a return ticket back to San Jose, Costa Rica.