the real true answer is they didnt want to seem racist and it is now required by law to give a certain amount of scholarships to minoritys
They lived in large houses with tile roofs, courtyards, and gardens. Fine furniture and silk hangings filled their rooms, and their houses were surrounded by walls to keep out bandits.
SO HE WOULD reveal the location of hidden Aztec wealth. His stoicism and refusal to speak became legendary.
The correct answer should be Police should not be allowed to torture suspects until they confess.
Every year there are hundreds of people who are coerced into admitting to a crime that they did not commit due to the fact that the police believes that they had committed the crime, even though there's not enough evidence. The fifth amendment protects the people from this.
Since the average American will spend 24 hours watching television per week, it is safe to say that they suffer from a lack of movement and exercise. This, in turn, will lead more Americans to be overweight and more likely to suffer from serious health problems.