Why is photosynthesis also important for people and animals?
Photosynthesis entails the production of food by plants by converting energy from the sun into a chemical energy, this is why plants are called autotroph as they produces food themselves. plants gives oxygen which is essential to animal and plant does this through a process called photosynthesis
1. Climate change is caused by changes in the earth's atmosphere in the amounts of greenhouse gases released into the air. Some scientists believe that 100% of global warming is due to humans. The largest contribution comes from burning fossil fuels because it releases carbon dioxide gas to the air, which is done by humans. Other factors that contribute to climate change include:
>Deforestation- clearing out trees affects wildlife, ecosystems, whether patterns. Forests cover 30% of the lands mass and clearing them leaves many animals without homes.
>Waste from factories- they release tonnes of toxic fumes into the air.
> Agriculture and farming- this is a surprising contributing factor to global warming. Animals produce a greenhouse gas called methane and when livestock are grazed at a large scale, the amount of methane produced is a big contributor to global warming.
Some fertilizers release nitrous oxide, which is another greenhouse gas.
2. The effects of global warming include:
>Melting glaciers- this leaves many animals without homes and it also causes a rise in sea levels which causes flooding. (that's 3 effects)
>Worsening droughts- this leaves many humans to die as they have no food or water.
>Increasing tornadoes
okay that's all i could do... hope it helps.
cells in the vegetal half of the embryo should be unpigmented those in the animal half and there should be heavily pigmented.
The Yolk molecules moving in the vegetal halves of the egg which is the case in most of the animals, slows down the cell division. These lesser division area or the zone demarcates the area to be vegetal pole and due to lesser cell division, it becomes unpigmented or less pigmented Based on the observation time and perspect with assuming no movement.
The pole opposite to the vegetal, is animal pole which with absence or less of yolk, gets more ability to divide and hence become more pigmented or heavily pigmented. This brings polarity to the egg and becomes telolecithal egg.
In the Grand Canyon, there are clear horizontal layers of different rocks that provide information about where, when, and how they were deposited, long before the canyon was even carved.
Stem cells are what allow planaria to grow and regenerate as the stem cells can change into any of the cells that make up the planaria.