Maybe because some of the questions you answered are wrong?
1. Voici M. Gonzalès. C'est mon voisin de Madrid. C'est un ami. Il est espagnol.
Last week when I was going to a field trip I overslept and I had to run to school. As I got closer to the schools entrance I tripped and I got to school limping. When the teachers saw me they took me to the nurse where I told her how I hurt myself and in response the nurse told me that I just sprained my ankle. After that we got on the bus and we left to the zoo. As we got to the zoo I decided to get some souvenirs and the price was high. A sweatshirt cost $40, a stuffed dolphin cost $65 and a miniature ice skate rink cost $50 so I decided to leave the store. I prefer to rely on my memories and save my money because I was planning to eat at the sushi buffet that was across the souvenir store.
Answer: لا أستطيع أن أفعل هذا لأنني لست أنت ولا أعرف ما هو أعمق تأثير حدث عليك.