So they can keep track of their work
1. Anti-Federalist opposed the constitution bc the felt it gave to much power to the federal government while taking more power from the state and local government.
Federalist supported the constitution bc they felt the nation would not survive w/o its passage and a stronger national government was necessary after the failure of the Articles of Federation.
2. Anti-Federalists wanted Bill of Rights- It guaranteed protection of basic individual liberties such as trial by jury or freedom of speech.
3.Federalists-believed that any power not given to federal Gov. Was left to people and states.
It is...
Transcendentalism became a coherent movement and a sacred organization with the founding of the Transcendental Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on September 8, 1836, by prominent New England intellectuals, including George Putnam (Unitarian minister), Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Frederic Henry Hedge.
The Wampanoag tribe
The Wampanoag tribe was the tribe that taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land, They taught them how to take care of their corps and cultive corn.