Civilized. (It’s an opinion question, you can’t get it wrong if you have strong evidence.)
Ghengis Khan organized his troops into an efficient fighting force. This allowed them to conquer more territories for the good of their people. They opened the Silk Road for many people to come and trade. They valued everything. Without the Mongols, we probably would be here today, because the Mongols lead to the discovery of America.
More silver coins.
The People’s Party was organized for the purposes of representing the common folk especially farmers against the entrenched interests of railroads, bankers, processes, corporations, and the politicians in league with such interests. The People’s Party supported fighting deflation by circulating More silver coins. Deflation is a fall in general prices It normally happens either when the growth of the economy outpaces the growth of the money supply;or the drop in the money supply outpaces the contraction of the economy.
One hundred-fifty years ago, competing visions for the country and conflicting definitions of freedom led to a war that threatened the very existence of the United States. The nation was shattered into North and South by blue and gray. Fifty years ago, the streets of American cities ran red with blood again. From 2011-2015, the National Park Service joined the rest of the country in commemorating these major events that changed the nation forever–and continue to challenge it today. To honor these sacrifices, among many other special events, 40,000 people marched across the killing fields of Pickett’s Charge
at Gettysburg, and 50,000 marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma.
Though the Civil War began the movement to extend equality to African Americans, the promises of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments provide easier to accomplish in theory rather than in practice. The promising start towards racial equality soon faltered during the tensions of Reconstruction and laws were soon enacted across the country which enforced segregation of the races and the second-class status of African Americans.
Today, nearly 150 years since the end of the Civil War, people of all races, colors, creeds and beliefs continue the struggle to make America a nation where truly "all men are created equal."
When studying cause and effect, historians usually group the causes into different categories. For example, <u>cultural causes</u> reflect how a society’s literature and art convey the way the society saw itself in relation to the rest of the world. Another resource that historians use to understand society is <u>pop culture</u>, which tells them the trends and ideas that are preferred by the common people. When studying cause and effect, it’s important to remember <u>multiple causation</u>, or the idea that an effect could have several causes and vice versa.
The correct option is “cultural causes” since art and literature are related to the culture of a place. Culture is determined by literature, art, music.
The correct option is “pop culture” since it reflects the likes and ideas of common people whereas the rest of the options do not focus on common people.
The correct option is “multiple causation” since it refers to the idea that events are caused by multiple reasons, not just a single one.
Think about this, imagine fearing to go out into the streets because you might get attacked. Imagine the only purpose of your existence was to clean, make babies, and respect your husband. That was the life of Woman before the Woman's rights movement. As you can see we have came a long way from then but some people still think that way. Society felt as if Woman weren't as good as men. they thought that Woman couldn't do anything except care for their husband's.