The Jews living there rebelled against their Roman reign. Emperor Nero decided that what they did wasn't okay, and he launched an attack against Jerusalem, the Jews' religious stronghold.
It turned into a slaughterfest of Legionnaires killing Jews and ransacking the city. This eventually led to the Romans burning down and destroying the Jews' Temple that served as the center of Judaism.
It just means that they nurtured his people
<span>The bison would return and white people would disappear.</span>
The people of the Indus Valley. Some of them were farmers. They grew crops like barley, peas, wheat, dates, and melons. The farms were not just for , some grew cotton and raised sheep, pigs, and cattle. Every town had its own storage building to hold what that town needed.
Espanol: ¿ Crees que, en la actulidad, las personas valor an elephant trabajo coming una fuerza transformadora?
La respuesta: En la actualidad debido a la pandemia, las personas han aprendido a valorar el trabajo como una fuerza transforadora.
English: Do you think people today value work as a transformative force?
Answer: Today because of the pandemic, people have learned to value work as a transformative force.
(I don’t know if the English thing is right or Spanish so if I’m wrong I’m sorry so stay with me because I’m still learning Spanish)