Your first order of business is finding out exactly how much you’re spending each month. Do this by consulting your bank statements, receipts and financial files. Because some expenses are intermittent, such as insurance payments, you’ll get the most accurate financial picture if you calculate an average for six months to a year. Add up everything you spent for the last six to 12 months and then divide by the amount of months, which will give you your average monthly expenses.
Remember that being thorough when you add up expenses is important in creating a realistic budget. A forgotten bill really throws a wrench into your savings plan. When calculating your expenses, also factor in unexpected bills, such as unplanned car repairs. A good rule of thumb is to add an extra 10 percent to 15 percent. So if you’ve determined that you spend $1,500 a month, add $150 to $225.
Monopolistic competition is the economic market model with many sellers selling similar, but not identical, products. The demand curve of monopolistic competition is elastic because although the firms are selling differentiated products, many are still close substitutes, so if one firm raises its price too high, many of its customers will switch to products made by other firms. This elasticity of demand makes it similar to pure competition where elasticity is perfect. Demand is not perfectly elastic because a monopolistic competitor has fewer rivals then would be the case for perfect competition, and because the products are differentiated to some degree, so they are not perfect substitutes.
Monopolistic competition has a downward sloping demand curve. Thus, just as for a pure monopoly, its marginal revenue will always be less than the market price, because it can only increase demand by lowering prices, but by doing so, it must lower the prices of all units of its product. Hence, monopolistically competitive firms maximize profits or minimize losses by producing that quantity where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, both over the short run and the long run.
Because the government can use her sovereign power to both mitigate negative externalities as well as encourage positive externalities.
A positive externality occurs when the transaction between a producer and end user benefits a third party that did not take art in the process.
A very Good example is Education. There is a third party benefit to the society when we have more educated citizens.
A negative externality happens when the business transaction between a manufacturer and consumer affects a third party adversely. a typical example is cigarettes. When cigarettes is consumed by the end user, the smoke can affect the health of a third party that was not part of the initial transaction.
To deal with both positive and negative externalities, government intervention is very crucial.
Government encourages positive externalities like education by subsidizing the cost of attending a school. They also enact laws that make basic education compulsory.
In the case of negative externalities, Government can intervene with a ban on producing harmful goods and also set a legislation about smoking in public laces to mitigate the health complications caused by third party inhalation.
<span>$104,500 * 0.04 = $4,180 - $665 = $3,515</span>