It led to recognition of post-traumatic stress as a legitimate psychological ailment
By exposing the citizen armies of Europe to prolonged and extreme
danger, World War One generated psychological casualties on an
industrial scale. This, in turn, created a military crisis that drew
doctors from a diverse range of specialties into the field of mental
health; never before had so much attention been focused on a single
psychiatric disorder.
They pushed for laws to discourage immigration or deny political rights to immigrants.
In history, Nativism was a political string that exalted the interests and the rights of the national population over its migrants. It was mainly tied with the embodiment of measures to dominate immigration flows, specially of Chinese immigrants.
The navists employed missions to boycott German and Irish goods, because they did not want to contribute the econimic infrastructure and enlargement of the immigrants.
Whole foods are plant foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible, before being consumed. Examples of whole foods include whole grains, tubers, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.
A sermon on the meeting of Jesus with Mary Magdalene after he rose from the dead, ... the related language which was then the modern form she and Jesus spoke). ... is clear in the way she recognised him when he called her name, "Mary".
The first crop that formed the basis of the economy in the Southern states was tobacco. But at the beginning of the 19th century cotton became the most important. During the 1840s and 1850s cotton became the chief United States export. It was known as "King cotton". The rapid agricultural growth of the South led to financial and political tensions between the Northern and the Southern states. Answer: The most important Southern crop in the 1840s and 1850s was cotton.