1st : Somebody can fall out and drown
2nd : The dancer can fall and hurt her leg
3rd : The fish death rate may rise
4th : The shark may eat somebody
5th : The cat or whatever that is can be eating something with a deadly sickness
Quite similarly, ever since I was a young kid I used to dream about going to London, it was my life goal you could say.
It seemed quite impossible as I come from a working class family however I decided to work during college in order to save every pennie and book a flight to the UK.
I was finally able to do it, I was one flight away from seeing London for the first time ever, I could not have been more excited.
Once I got there, for the first time in my life I knew how dissapointment felt like. It was nothing like I imagined, it was exactly how no one ever described it to me: crowded, dirty and ordinary.
I learned to love its streets and its people but frankly I'd only return if it was for free.
Hope this helps :)
try mixing the first question and last question if that helps but none of these will be perfect because they hold different points
look around the word to see how it is used
replace the word with a more familiar word
It is common to read a text that has an unknown word, or difficult to understand, which makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common in these cases is for the reader to look for a dictionary that shows the meaning of the reading, but this can disrupt the reading pace. To avoid this, the reader can observe the words that are presented around the unknown word and identify the context that these words present. Through this context, the reader can understand what the meaning of the unknown word is and how it fits into that sentence.
The reader can also replace this unknown word with a similar word that he knows the meaning of. However, be careful with this strategy, as there are many false cognates in the language, which are similar words that have different meanings.