Wilson's 14 points were far more radical than the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference. The 14 points set specific barriers to prevent a future war and maintain peace, while the Paris Conference only offered temporary mediation.
<h3>A. The O. J. Simpson trial
- The Case of O.J Simpson trial was about O.J Simpson who was acquitted for the murder of his ex-wife. The trial lasted for about a year. It was telecast in the T.V with millions of viewers following the trial.
- Soon, the trail became a show for infotainment where viewers watched it for both information and entertainment at the same time.
- A television show called American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson which revolves around the trial around the trial of O.J. Simpson also surfaced in the year 2016 which has gained a lot of popularity.
Answer: BaI
any number in {} is small
Explanation: The idea here is that you need to use the number of moles of anhydrous barium iodide, BaI
, and of water, H {2} O
, to find the mole ratio that exists between the anhydrous salt and its water of hydration in the hydrate.
I'm confused. Are you asking ''What happened when...'' or asking for our imput on what we think should have happened?
^^^ would be the right answer.