Apart from the original 13 colonies, no official war took place before gaining territory. This cession also caused debates about slavery, which then lead to the great compromise of 1850. This brought out past arguments, and a new solution was needed. California entered as a free state with promises to the South of receiving slave territory in Utah and New Mexico. The fugitive slave law was also passed with the compromise which horrified abolitionists and northerners. The law forced any citizen, northern or southern, to have to help in catching any suspected fugitive slave. This law pretty much allowed any white man to take any free black civilian as a slave. All this ends up leading in something very major. The civil war.
The Mayflower compact was when the pilgrims established a set of rules for Plimoth.
The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Enlightenment thinkers believed they could help create better societies and better people.
Administered by the East India Company functioning as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown and regulated by the British Parliament. Governor-General.
They sought to select who would take the throne after them and who would be given administrative positions. The Company occasionally coerced the nations into forming a "subsidiary alliance". The conditions of this alliance prohibited the rulers of India from having their own independent armed forces.
The contemporary multinational has its roots in the English East India Company. Its global commerce network imported Asian luxuries including teas, silk, and spices. However, it also used opium to open up China's marketplaces and its private army to conquer most of India. They had a stranglehold on India's sizable market and cotton resources thanks to British economic policy. India functioned as a sizable captive market for British-produced products as well as a substantial source of raw materials for British industries.
Equal protection under the law: In all the Indian regions they directly controlled, the British enacted standardized laws. As a result, they helped lessen caste inequality in Indian society by denying upper caste members conventional social benefits.
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South East
Normandy is off the English channel and traveling South east will land you too Paris