The orthogonal lines in the work merge at the vanishing point. In a perspective drawing, the artist uses parallel diagonal lines which meet and diminish to a vanishing point. These lines are called orthogonal and create the perspective and a more realistic view. The vanishing point offers the painting a three-dimensional look.
We analyze this synthesis we are analyzing a "film's form."
Movies are the visual communication which further utilizes moving pictures and sound to tell the stories or may teach people some lesson. The movie focuses over the plot and easy answers. But a film tries to explore something more than itself. Movie says of depicts what exactly required. But the film forces the audience to grow in some way, to leave theater slightly better humans than when they came in.
Bite - nip and rapid -fast are synonyms while the rest are antonyms. Bite and nip are synonyms because it is the same action described differently. The same is for rapid and fast. Being innocent means to not have done anything but being guilty is having done something. For example, two people are in a court and the judge is deciding who the criminal is, the person who did nothing wrong is innocent and the person who committed the crime is guilty. Insult and compliment are antonyms because they mean two different things. An insult is rude while a compliment is kind. Pass and fail is pretty obvious as well as permanent and temporary. They are opposites of each other, therefore are antonyms.