I believe it is False. He was born in Maryland, and did things in Maryland not California.
Many immigrants faced not having a job in their new location, not being accepted by the people around you, and not being able to support themselves. Most had little to nothing because many fled to escape war. The living conditions in many camps outside of their home country were also possibly in terrible condition.
Taco Tuesday is a great day for me to come home
He and his men went right around the world in tiny , ungainly boats. If you have ever been on the sea at all you can imagine the immensity of it. They had no maps or charts. Many of them thought the world was flat and had no idea of the raging seas south of Cape Horn or the tip of Africa. They had little food and certainly no fresh foods.
It causes slave rebellion and anti-colonial uprising. They founded the first black republic in modern history that they called Haiti.