Spanish-Hay dos tipos principales de movimientos de población: internacional (entre países) e interno (dentro de un país). Muchas migraciones contemporáneas están estrechamente relacionadas con los vínculos económicos, políticos y culturales que se están formando entre las naciones debido al proceso de globalización.
English-There are two main types of population movements – International (between countries) and Internal (within a country). Many contemporary migrations are closely related to the economic, political and cultural links being formed between nations due to the process of globalisation.
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It means that as long as im stating something reasonable then i dont have to fear that the government is going to punish me for it. Obviously this means dont be racist, or try to make a statement that promotes crimes.
By God, Gold, and Glory, I assume you mean them as three reasons for exploration. Spreading monotheistic religion (I.e. God) was a common reason for exploration due to the large influence religion (especially Christianity) had on people. Many explorers were missionaries, who attempted to convert people from all over the world to their religion. Secondly, gold (or wealth) was another reason for exploration. Everyone in the past wanted wealth just as much as people today wanted wealth, so the promise of it was almost certain to get people to go and explore (see the California Gold Rush as an example.) Finally, glory was the last major reason for exploration. Everyone wanted to be famous for something as much as people today do, and what better way to do that than to discover a place not yet documented on a map? People who got back form exploration alive were often treated as heroes, mainly because of the kinds of things they had to endure during their trip.
Answer:because everybody has different beleifs just like with slaves they freed them but some people still would like to have them
Because two of them were shaping the image of the Catholic church and affected the everyday's life of people. Also, they influenced the theology of the church a lot.
- St. Augustine is one of the foremost theologians and philosophers in the Christian West. His works exerted a great influence on the development of Roman Catholic and later Protestant theology.
- Although he was a Manichean in his youth, he later fought as a Christian bishop against the Manicheans. He was proclaimed a saint in the Christian West, which was later accepted in the Christian East, but with certain fences relating to some of Augustine's theological views, which proved controversial from the point of view of Christian orthodoxy.
- Thomas Aquinas, is one of the greatest theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages. His teachings are still very popular today.
Learn more on St. Augustine on