Odysseus tells Telemachus to hide all the weapons from the suitors.
Antana's perspective of America is that it provides opportunity for progress and a better way of life for people.
Antanas Kaztauskis wrote the narrative From Lithuania to the Chicago Stockyards in the year 1904. His tale was a testament to one of the most important travels he took in his life.
Antanas Kaztauskis immigrated from Lithuania to America, according to Ernest Poole's tale. He made the decision to immigrate in order to live a better life and avoid conscription.
<h3>Who is
Antanas Kaztauskis?</h3>
Antanas Kaztauskis was a Lithuanian immigrant who emigrated to America during the industrial revolution. His stay in America provides us a brief view of how difficult life was for the poor, unskilled worker at the time, especially as an immigrant.
In the above text, Antanas, is the narator of this own story.
<h3>Who is a narrator?</h3>
A narrator is someone who narrates stories. The narrator decides the story's point of view in a work of fiction.
The narrative is considered to be in the first person if the narrator is a complete participant in the story's action. A third-person narrative is one given by a narrator who is not a character in the story.
Learn more about Antanas Kaztauskis :
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