The two worst method of waste management are disposal to landfill and thermal treatment.
Disposal to landfill adds up to the pollution in a certain place where the landfill is located. It can also cause some diseases from the landfill.
<span>Thermal treatment or incineration is a process that involves combustion of organic substances converting the waste into ash, heat, and flue gas</span>
<em>Answer:</em><em>Take your coin or piece of jewelry, and place a strong magnet on top see if the magnet sticks to the object by the magnetic pull, or if it slides off onto the ground. If the metal attracts the magnet, you know it must be an alloy mixture and not a precious metal.</em>
a. Juanita and Justin Only.
The two members seem prepared and supportive for the discussion. The two members who are prepared and support the discussion are Juanita and Justin. Only these two members of the team favors the discussion and understands the point of discussion. They were part of a team who had more than 5 members. Only Juanita and Justin supported the discussion and rest of the members opposed the ideas presented in discussion.
Irony is a figure of speech in which words convey the opposite of their literal meaning or a situation is contradictory to what one would expect. So the answer would be C.
Question: What do you think causes the violent behavior of fans at football matches?
Answer: this happens when a team migtve won or lossed this may cause conflict between the fans or the team so they chosse violence
Explanation: this happens all the time best to stay away from conflicts like this
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