Nomadic peoples of the steppes including the Uighurs, the Jurchens (Manchu), the Kazakhs, the Mongols, and the Xiongnu in the north and west of China borders on desert and range-lands. They were the nomadic invaders who controlled and contributed to the collapse of the Han Chinese between 206 BCE and 221 CE in China. The nomadic people controlled the extremely valuable Silk Road trade routes making them unfit to travel which were vital to the success of Chinese governments resulting in an adverse effect to the economy. During the prosperous times, the settled agricultural people of China paid tribute to the troublesome nomads or hired them to provide security from the other tribes while the Emperors offered Chinese princesses as brides to the "Barbarian" rulers to preserve peace.
Someone might not want anything you have. Example, you only have an apple but you want a orange and someone has an orange but they dont want your apple.
<span>It was a political party that first led by Alexander
Hamilton. It played an active role in
crafting the Constitution of the United States.
It was said to support strong centralized government and business
interest and economic policies that would make the government stronger. Apart from defining what Federalism is,
Hamilton together with James Madison also wrote several essays in defense of
separation of powers and after ratification expanded his explanation of the
Constitution to support his recommended economic policies as the Secretary of
Defintion- a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.