Marx encabeza el Manifiesto Comunista con una tesis tajante: el motor de la historia es la lucha de clase. Y lo hace porque esta es la tesis fundamental del marxismo, la que le da su carácter revolucionario y ordena y jerarquiza todos su cuerpo teório
they're both hurricanes
they destroy stuff and they both spin
The Significance of Dred Scott v Sanford is that the decision was a landmark decision during the time, as it delcared that all African-American, regardless of freed or enslaved status, were not to be declared legal citizens of the United States. It also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. While it was intended to settle the slavery debate and tensions going on at the time, it instead deepened tensions between the abolitionist North and pro-slavery South that would eventually lead to Civil War. In contemporary times, Dred Scott is considered one of, if not the worst Supreme Court ruling in the Supreme Courts history.
Hope that helps :)
More that half of modern American farm products were grown by Native Americans before British colonization.
College students go home to spend the holidays with thier families