It would most likely be in the sound category
If this is MLA format, in-text citations only require the author and the page number. if no author exists, then you provide the title and the page number. if there is no author and no page number, you simply give the title.
assuming the author is starks, the page is 97, and the title is "animals"--you only have to put (Starks 97) in parentheses. the author and the page is enough information for someone to access your source.
Darrow is the main lead of the novel who is cunning, determined who transforms himself from low diving hell driver to a leader.
Red rising is the novel which has been written by Pierce Brown. The novel is about the actions and the activities Darrow who is a hell driver in the mines below Mars.
The theme of the novel is about class, politics, and it talks about how Darrow changes in the book through out the story but in that process does not give up his ideals.
Miss Rachel Haverford, ( Who is Dills aunt.)
A, The river is constantly changing. I did this last year so I know what the answer is. Fickle means changing frequently or in my term, stubborn. In his point of view, the river has a mind of its own and changes often. Which he described as "fickle." It may be hard for Twain to pilot a steamboat, if the river is constantly changing.