the question please?
The correct answer is Introspection
From the given question, from the history of psychology, we can asses Dave's claim using what is called Introspection
Introspection refers to the training of participants to report elements of specific sensory experiences.
Introspection is also the scrutiny of one's personal feelings and conscious thoughts. In psychology, the process of introspection deals with exclusively on observation of one's mental state, while in the context of spirituality it may be called the examination of one's soul.
Ingreso Devengado-Recaudado (simultáneo): Devengado: es el momento contable que se realiza cuando existe jurídicamente el derecho de cobro. Recaudado: es el momento contable que refleja el cobro en efectivo o cualquier otro medio de pago. ... Gasto Comprometido-Devengado-Ejercido-Pagado (simultáneo).
There are 4 main events that influenced the creation of new state constitutions are the House of Burgesses which was when the first government discussed national level representative government, the founding of Rhode Island for religious freedom from the puritans, the First Great Awakening which was when people finally were able to think for themselves without too much influence from the church, and the statement of John Lock wherein he believed that people had rights under the government.