<span>The current factors that threaten the existence of nonhuman primates in the wild is, </span><span> it's a problem of biomass. As the human population is constantly growing We are taking a greater and greater share of the finite resources available--resources that are needed by all living things. With deforestation which takes away homes of nonhuman primates and their food sources to the point the starve and have no where to live</span>
Edward Jenner inferred that a person who once had small pox cannot have it once again. So something is there in these persons which grows after the initial infection which interferes with the secondary infection resisting it.
Edward Jenner is called the Father of Vaccination. Jenner noticed that the milkmaids who deal with the cows all the time don't generally suffer from the cowpox or small pox. Then as an Experiment, he took some sample from the pustules of the cow having pox and then cleaned it and injected the sample into a healthy child. Then when everyone of the locality suffered from the same disease, that child remained healthy. So that lead to infer that there are something in the pustule which lead to resist the secondary infection of this disease. So this lead to the invention of vaccines.
Carbohydrate!!! That is glucose.
Population of cactus like plants which grows in the hot and dry weather of deserts,begins the flow of energy in the desert food web. Because plants are the only producer of energy in every food web.