Bro if I have to post this question agian ima freak it’s not that hard where just righting math equations in Spanish how hard ca
2 answers:
a veinti-uno dividido a tres son siete
b. veinti-ocho menos cuanto es veinti-cuatro
c. quince dividido a dos es treinta
d. treinta-uno menos diez es veinti-uno
e. once más trece es veinti-cuatro
quince multiplicar por dos es igual a treinta
treinta y uno restado entonces es igual a veintiuno
once suma trece es igual a veinticuatro
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The apples weigh 1 pound. i speak Spanish so yeah.<span />
comer = to eat
comprar = to buy
leer = to read
visitar = to visit
this sentence in english would say: i like to buy clothes, which makes the most sense
hope this helps!:)
Answer: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 a, 5 b
Trujillo no es un destino popular para los ecoturistas que visitan la selva.
Es falso.
Ser hombre?