It's a yin-yang sort of thing. The black, while seeming thoroughly dark, gleams white which implies that there is good in the bad, light in the dark, etc.
Dear class president,
I would like to tell you that you are the best class president. Thank you for helping students and our class. I adore our organised class because of your effort.
Yours sincerely,
1.- Gastby is worried that Daisy will be too worried about Tom's feelings if he reunites with her in her home.
3.- The valley of ashes sybolizes the decay of society that is focused too much on wealth
4.- foul, dismal, stare
The green light represents Gastby's hopes and dreams for the future.
The correct answer is D.
All of the other statements are correct, while D is incorrect. As a matter of fact, he even purchased slaves from Dutch slave traders and used them as workforce.