The Black Death was one of the biggest epidemics that Europe witnessed, England being one of the most affected countries and where it was possible to see one of the biggest death rates. London is estimated to have lost about two-thirds of its population, while the whole of England has lost more than 70% of its population. This meant that England did not have an army large enough to maintain its participation in the Hundred Years War, which prompted the immediate suspension of military campaigns in conflict. The large number of deaths caused a shortage of labor in both the city and the countryside, which caused food production to decrease, inflation to rise and the country did not have enough food for everyone.
Due to the lack of a workforce, wages became higher, however, landowners refused to pay their employees a fair amount because of uncontrolled inflation. This left the peasants dissatisfied, which provoked the peasants' revolt and ended the system of serfdom in the country.