Q 1
every other one makes sense not this one
When you go to bed, turn out the light; is a complex sentence
Lara has a cold, but it's almost gone; is a compound sentence
After you leave, the cat cries, and the dog barks; is a compound-complex sentence
I can hear the wind chimes; is a simple sentence
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<u>Fundamental</u>-Of central importance. Necessary.
Example-Wearing a seatbelt is fundamental to safety on the road.
<u>Democracy</u>- A form of government in which power is held by the people.
Example-The ancient Greeks were known for their system system of democracy.
<u>Pacification</u>-An attempt to create or maintain peace.
Example- Despite the attempts at pacification with the other nations, war was inevitable.
<u>Tyranny</u>- The rule of a cruel and/or oppressive government.
Example-The Declaration of Independence was written to separate the American colonies from the tyranny of Britain at the time.