C. Jurisdiction because they are the ones you keep everything in place while in court, they have and declare the judgment in the end and are to listen and apply the laws so nobody gets declared with a unfair law for which they’re the ones who have this power
B.If the statue conflicts with the US
The electoral college is working the way it is supposed to.
The president of the United States is the President of all the lands owned by the US, not the president of only the major cities. The Electoral College was created to balance out the population with the land. For example, if we take into account and allow the Democrats to get what they want (i.e., popular vote), it will lead to large segments of the population being cut off from the political realm. With the popular vote only, candidates will only reach out to large population areas, as they have the higher chances of receiving the message and to vote for them. In the end, the electoral college is in place to ensure that all groups of the US, no matter where they live, are reached out too. The Popular vote is not the way to go, and if the Democrats want to get rid of the Electoral College, they must put in a system that is better than it. Remember, the Electoral College, while it does has it's faults, solves a gruesome problem of keeping the president from being the president of the major cities, to being the president of the land.