renewable resource
resources that practically never run out
Gross motor skills are needed adequately for the growth and Independence of the child.Gross Motor Skill are refered to as movements that is associated with our large muscles like our leg, arms and others.thia gross motor skills takes place at different stages of the infant growth cycle e.g 0-3momth,3-6 months e.t.c each cycle stage has their unique characteristics.
Due to the growth of the muscles , a baby can then stand, to hold his/her head up, sit, crawl, walk e.t.c
both cooperative learning and problem-centered instruction
The collaborative learning method refers to the process of learning in which the group of students involves a particular problem to solve it or to accomplish any specific task. It is believed that learning is a process involving continuous involvement and is considered a social act altogether. In the given case, Mr. WIllis has used both cooperative learning and problem-centered instruction. By separating the students and then collaborating to a conclusion, he used the method of cooperative learning. At the same time, he gave the instruction centered on the problem.