The D. Company Name most likely stands out on a business card with an address or such in smaller font below. A logo does nothing for a business card if a potential customer doesn't even know the name of the business. While logo's are often present on a business card, the company name is far more crucial to enunciate clearly which is of course, important for business's attraction of new customers.
So D. Company Name is my final answer!
Hope this helps! ;)
printArray(inventory, n);
The question doesn't specify in which language this has to be done, here's a generic call then... so if it's aimed at a specific language, some minor adjustments might be needed to respect the proper syntax/structure of that specific language.
printArray: function name, using 2 parameters.
inventory: array of ints
n : integer, number of items in array inventory
The call to the function would be:
printArray(inventory, n);
<u> A. It uses binary numbers in its algorithm</u>
A Binary search is a type of algorithm designed to look through <em>only </em>a sorted array of data for a particular item.
It is<em> more efficient (faster) </em>than sequential search since the algorithm doesn't have to look up the entire array of data, but simply repeatedly divide in half the section of the array that could contain the searched item.
Image result for what is the name of the fields in an x.509 digital certificate that are used when the parties negotiate a secure connection?
Common applications of X. 509 certificates include SSL/TLS and HTTPS for authenticated and encrypted web browsing, signed and encrypted email via the S/MIME protocol, code signing, document signing, client authentication, and government-issued electronic ID.