Non, je ne joue jamais aux jeux vidéo
serait la réponse bones, would be the answer.
<em>Bonjour, </em>
<em />
<em>La semaine dernière, ma soeur </em>"a fêté" <em>son anniversaire.</em>
Verbe "fêter" au passé composé :
<em>j'ai fêté</em>
<em>tu as fêté</em>
<em>il, </em>elle<em>, on </em>a fêté (ma soeur = elle)
<em>nous avons fêté</em>
<em>vous avez fêté</em>
<em>ils, elles ont fêté</em>
Quel violon est-ce que tu achètes ?
The easiest way to determine masculine and feminine nouns is to look at the pronoun before it. If the noun is masculine, there will be a "le" or "un" and if it's feminine there will be a "la" or "une", but if it's plural, there will be a "les" or "des", or of it starts with a vowel, there could be a "l' ".
When the noun is plural or starts with a vowel, it is a lot harder to tell, so you have to look at the word. In general (there are always exceptions), if a word ends with -que, -ée, or -elle, it is feminine.
Just a note, there are a lot more masculine words than feminine, so if you really can't figure out which it is, I would defer to the masculine.
Hope this helps :)