...“The father of modern economics supported a limited role for government. Mark Skousen writes in "The Making of Modern Economics", Adam Smith believed that, "Government should limit its activities to administer justice, enforcing private property rights, and defending the nation against aggression." The point is that the farther a government gets away from this limited role, the more that government strays from the ideal path... How this issue is handled will decide whether the country can more closely follow Adam Smith's prescription for growth and wealth creation or move farther away from it.”
Jacob Viner addressed the laissez-faire attribution to Adam Smith in 1928...
Here is a list of appropriate activities for government, which goes way, way beyond Mark Skousen’s extremely limited – and vague – 'ideal' government. That ... he goes on to attribute his ‘ideal’ list to Adam Smith ... is not alright.In fact, its downright deceitful, for which there is no excuse of ignorance (before attributing the limited ideal to Adam Smith we assume, as scholars must, that Skousen read Wealth Of Nations and noted what Smith actually identified as the appropriate roles of government in the mid-18th century).
Sissy Farenthold
lol i know this at the top of my head :)
Just took the test it’s social contract hope this helps
The answer is: B A preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience
A lawlessness society and government
An Anarchist is someone who does not obey law and order, who disregards social norms and rules of established authority. An Anarchist may be described as someone who rejects the laid down laws and order of a given society. An Anarchist does not believe in the society being regularized by laws and order. Anarchists are those against political authority, people capable of creating anarchy in a society, reject all forms of hierarchical control by the authority. Anarchy is therefore a state constituted without laws and order, rules and social norms, a society without ruler. A state of Anarchy is a lawless society where there is no government, no constitution, lay down laws and orders are not complied with, no morality whatsoever, people who commit crime and walk freely in the society and go unpunished, that is, where there is no justice in the society, people’s fundamental rights are violated, people’s property attacked.
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, a French political writer and socialist was said to be the first person to willingly call himself an anarchist.
The kind of government an Anarchist will support is that government without constitution, law and order, that government that allows people to violate the laid down rules and social norms, that allows people to go against the political authority, government that allows self-governing of people and society consensus, that is, allows people to do what they want without questioning by the government, that guarantees individual’s right of liberty, a government that allows political power and resources to be shared equally by all in a given society.