Family background and skills.
People in the British colonies in north America were divided into slaves and masters.
What determined whether one was to be a slave or a master was their family background.
The placement of labor also was done based on skills one had, some were placed in the cotton farms and others in many other different areas.
The living conditions for slaves and masters also was different.
Answer: A, B and C
Peter Waldo between 1170 to 1780 commissioned a cleric from Lyon to translate the new testament to French vernacular.
John Wycliff translated the bible to English vernacular in 1382
Martin Luther translated the bible to German and it was first printed in 1534
Deists, including famous people such as Benjamin Franklin, thought that God designed the universe and then "set things in motion"--meaning that He isn't involved in the day-to-day activities of people's lives.
the answer is B.infiltration of Communists in government