Basketry, i’m sorry if it’s wrong
The Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor
The population density of Canada is 4 people/km².
The most densely-populated urban areas are Vancouver and Montreal (4800/km²).
The most densely populated region of Canada (80/km²) is the Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor. It contains almost half the population of Canada.
There are two main reasons for this.
(a) Climate
The region is entirely below the 47th parallel, so the summers are warm, the winters are not harsh, and the area is suitable for agriculture.
(b) Location
The corridor is close to the border with the United States and carries the bulk of Canada's trade with them. It makes sense for people to live as close to the US border as possible.
A, D Is your answer
Researching bones, animals, and DNA can tell you a lot about the
colonial history of a region. Even clothing, vehicle parts, and
plant life can tell how people lived in colonial times.
La quema de combustibles en industrias y vehículos produce gas dióxido de carbono en una gran cantidad que contamina el aire. Este gas de dióxido de carbono es un gas de efecto invernadero que se acumula en la atmósfera y bloquea la radiación solar que va al espacio después de la refección, lo que provoca un aumento de la temperatura de la tierra y una condición de sequía que conduce a la desertificación. Debido a esta desertificación, la vegetación se elimina por falta de agua suficiente.