Auto loans and house loans tended to grow to more heights, and tended to be easier to obtain, it was the up and coming thing of the time. So, consumers thought, hey??? why not?
Though I do not know the choices you have to choose from, this is the one I have known for a while. If you want to comment back to my comment with the choices you were given, I will gladly help if this comment didn't provide an answer available to you.
O acid rain destruction as a result of harmful emissions.
Aid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide and carbondioxide gases are released in the atmosphere from industries. These gases mixed with water in the atmosphere produces acids such as sulfuric acid and carbonic acid which destroy animals and plants when falls on the ground in the form of precipitation. Ground and water pollution also occurs due to waste liquids that flows from the industries to the water bodies that greatly affect biodiversity.
Their newspapers were filled with sensational stories designed to get the widest possible readership.
I'm gonna say A because he always seemed calm in all the videos i've seen of him.
Child Labor should not be a thing today