The correct answer is D. The need for coinage of silver money
Los primeros dramaturgos de los que se tiene referencia en la literatura occidental son los antiguos griegos, y las representaciones más antiguas datan del siglo V a. C.. Estas obras son consideradas clásicas y todavía son leídas como puntos de referencia. Notables entre ellos están Esquilo, Sófocles, Eurípides y Aristófanes.
Años más tarde, el teatro es adoptado por el Imperio Romano, aunque lo hará por su naturaleza pedagógica que transformará en propagandística -por su capacidad romanizadora- y su potencial como entretenimiento. Sus autores más destacados son: Livio Andrónico, Nevio, Plauto, Terencio y Séneca.
Liberty and equality. These words represent basic values of democratic political systems, including that of the United States. Rule by absolute monarchs and emperors has often brought peace and order, but at the cost of personal freedoms.
<em>Many conquered countries were split into distinct social classes, with French foreign leaders dominating local governments.
The war of Napoleonic acted as a representation of the turning point of the affairs of Europe and the main break from the past. This is therefore regarded as the peace agreement signing between the French and British communities. The endpoint, therefore, is the exile and waterloo defeat. This led to the continuation of the revolutionary wars in French that stated in 1792 and affected France against shifting the European power alliances.
However, before the European resorted to conducting mobilization of the military, they made fundamental changes in society.