1. Wounded Knee Massacre
2. Oklahoma Land Rush
3. Dawes Allotment
4. Sitting Bull Surrenders
5. Battle of Little Big Horn
6. Discovery of Gold in the Black Hills
7. "Big Bonanza" discovered on Comstock Lode
8. Hunters Begin to Decimate Bison Herds
Durante la crisis de 1929, Polonia, Alemania y Austria fueron los países más afectados en Europa. Sin embargo, muchos otros países de Europa también se vieron afectados.
After a long period of civilization, Ancient Egypt fell to the Persians after they invaded the place in 343 B.C. That was basically the end of the civilization altogether. When you hear about the Egyptians still existing after that time period, it means that the area is taken over by Persians, later Romans, and etc.
I think the United States was justified in sending troops to Cuba and the Philippines to fight against Spain because many Cubans flew to the USA to escape from the Spanish control. That act was a manifestation that they expected help from the USA, so the USA was morally compelled to take action.
My day has been great, until i scored a 79% on my math test. My day has been shlt to sum everything up. How was your day?