Some devices that depend on gravity to function include scales, showers, and satellites, to list a few.
It effects it until it is refilled to its normal amount
It is true that to <span>draw a clustered cylinder chart, first select the data to be charted and then click the column button (insert tab | charts group).</span>
<script type="text/javascript" src="weather.js"></script>
we have to use above script tag to include weather.js file into our web page.
Here type attribute represents the type of the file which we are trying to include on the web page.src attribute represents the path of the file from where we want to include that into our web page.
Generally we can include our java script functions into web page in 2 ways. one is inline function we can write the code in web page <script> tag itself .another way is to write the code in a separate file as shown above and include it in the webpage