Beowulf is preparing to kill Grendel's mother and restore order by avenging Aeschere and putting an end to the blood feud. His heroic view of life is that it is better to die with the glory of avenging our friends, than to live and wait for the life to end naturally, in peace. That is a true warrior's destiny: "Each of us all must his end abidein the ways of the world; so win who mayglory ere death! When his days are told,that is the warrior’s worthiest doom."
B) Adverb - of place (after the object)
B. People will naturally come together when threatened by an enemy and will do whatever it takes to feel safe again
cause i got this answer right
It definitely adds more meaning to the story than what was already there. I think it can definitely put you in a better place of understanding especially if you've had a loss like that. Knowing this makes me respect the book, and the writer them self more than I already did. Lovely book of I may say.
If im being honest im stuck between answers A and D, D is more literate though so if it were me id chose it