Democracy is the system of government where the people holds the power as the eligible members of the population elects representatives
This is the most common system of government as a lot of government adopts this approach as the elected government officials are chosen and selected by the people and they are bound to the laws/constitution of the land.
six tips for writing notes
1) Date your notes and make the main topic visible
2) Don't write everything down write down the important points
3) Make short notes of the examples given
4) Use colour
5) Use illustrations and drawing
6) Use headings and sub-headings
c) identifying the bell as a neutral stimulus; identifying food as the unconditioned stimulus; repeatedly presenting the sound of the bell followed by food; presenting the sound of the bell to produce saliva.
Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov was studying salivation in dogs during the 1890s and comes up with the theory of classical conditioning in which a neutral stimulus was closely associated with the unconditioned stimulus to obtain a particular conditioned response. the theory involves learning to combine an unconditional stimulus that has already given rise to a specific response with a new stimulus so that the new stimulus results in the same response.
George Washington Carver was a scientist and botanist who sought to solve the agricultural problems of the American south. As a result of the single-crop system in use where most farmers planted only tobacco or cotton, the soil had been depleted of the necessary nutrients. Carver discovered that if new crops, rich in nitrogen and proteins, were planted the soil would recover.
He petitioned the Southern farmers to plant soybeans, sweet potatoes, and peanuts. These crops grew well and solved the problem of the soil, however, there was no market for their sale. Carver tried to solve this problem by establishing a market for these goods by finding new uses for the plants, specifically peanuts, and sweet potatoes.