A. A large seating area made out of rock and water
Top down AC with the cooler system
In the terms of art history, appropriation is the practice in which the artists transforms some or the entire part of the art. The questions of originality, authenticity and authorship are raises in appropriation art. Appropriation artists are not listed under the act of stealing or plagiarizing. The art is presented in such a way that it brings the original art in associated to it.
Ewe drumming
The Ewe are known for their experience in drumming throughout West Africa. The sophisticated cross rhythms and polyrhythms in Ewe drumming are similar to those in Afro-Caribbean music and late jazz.
The smaller the f-stop, or f-value, the larger the opening in the aperture is. TRUE
Shutter speed affects how much light enters the camera, while aperture affects how long the light enters the camera. FALSE
Most photographs will be made using a shutter speed of 1/60 or faster. FALSE
The f-stops are typically expressed as f/number. TRUE