King John
John angered his own nobles with oppressive taxes and other abuses of power. In 1215, a group of rebellious barons cornered John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, or great charter. In this document, the king affirmed a long list of feudal rights. Besides protecting their own privileges, the barons included a few clauses recognizing the rights of townspeople and the Church.
Among other clauses in the Magna Carta that would have lasting impact were those that protected freemen from arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, and other legal actions, except “by legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.”
The toll addiction takes on a person’s life — family, friends, career, emotional and physical health, finances and personal safety — is staggering. Right now, more than 21 million Americans have some sort of substance abuse disorder. Despite the crushing effects addiction can have, only one person in every five of those suffering receives the help they need.