Parliamentarians and Royalist
The average number of misprints per page in a company’s annual reports is 0.4. If a page is selected
at random, find the probability that it will contain more than two misprints. (5 marks)
(b) On average, one in every four new clients approached by an insurance salesman purchases an insurance policy. Suppose that the salesman approaches five new clients.
(i) Find the probability that exactly two will buy a policy. (5 marks)
(ii) Find the probability that at least two will buy a policy. (5 marks)
The invention and introduction of hire purchase agreements.
Protection from cruel punishment
protection from excusive fines
Answer:The primary arguments against declaring independence was that the colonial army was tiny compared to Britain's and that no colony had ever successful separated from a mother country like that before. The main argument for independence was that it was impractical to be ruled by a tyrannical island so far away.
Explanation:Hope This Helps