soil is formed by the rocks erotion
Soil minerals form the basis of soil. They are produced from rocks (parent material) through the processes of weathering and natural erosion. Water, wind, temperature change, gravity, chemical interaction, living organisms and pressure differences all help break down parent material
Importance of troposphere to life on earth
The study of the troposphere is very important because we breathe the air in this layer of air. ... Tropospheric processes, such as the water or hydrologic cycle (the formation of clouds and rain) and the greenhouse effect, have a great influence on meteorology and the climate.
Urban Population Density, Climate Change, and Disasters The dense concentration of urban populations can increase susceptibility to the disasters that are likely to become more frequent and more intense as a result of climate change. Many aspects of urban areas are vulnerable to disasters and climate change.
Radiometric dating should be what they use
1. Compaction occurs where pressure is placed on loosely packed sediment. The volume of the sediment is reduced and water is squeezed out.
2. Cementation occurs when mineral-bearing water circulates among the grains, hardens, and cements the sediment grains together. This process is most effective when lithifying sand and gravel-sized sediments.