I believe the best answer for this would be D
Explanation: The Mandate of Heaven did not require a ruler to be of noble birth, and had no time limitations. Instead, rulers were expected to be good and just in order to keep the Mandate. The Zhou claimed that their rule was justified by the Mandate of Heaven. In other words, the Zhou believed that the Shang kings had become immoral with their excessive drinking, luxuriant living, and cruelty, and so had lost their mandate.
Santa Anna rejected the state constitution
- Drafted the 95 thesis MLK
-Started a religion similar to John calvin Lutherism
-Established an Angelican Church
The answer is the last one after they won the war they had a lot of debt and gave them policies they probably wouldn't have to go through in Britain this is showing the growing rift between the two countries.
Domestic American during World War II: Research Opportunities for Historians, So understood, a culture had to be viewed holistically, for Allport wrote that a preexisting attitude so strong that it "seriously distorts perception and.